Quantcast Vegetarian StarTegan And Sara MTV “The 5”–They’re Not Vegan (Video)

Tegan and Sara have designed their own shoes for vegan friendly shoe company MacBeth and campaigned against fur.

Their fans send them lots of vegan cookbooks.

They admit to liking vegan food.

But, darnit, they’re not vegan and proudly state they enjoy meat!

“We love vegans. My name rhymes with vegan,” jokes Tegan.

Tegan emphasizes that she and Sara prefer free range meat versus factory farmed, which makes the sting to the heart of vegetarians not as bad.

“I miss eating meat so much that I’m really attracted to things that look like meat,” Sara says.

Hello?! What looks like meat more than anythings else?

Faux meat ladies, faux meat!

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2 Responses to “Tegan And Sara MTV “The 5”–They’re Not Vegan (Video)”

  1. veg Says:

    Just after touting the importance of free run meat, Tegan says “Our lifestyle, being on the road a lot means we have to get… I mean there’s not a lot of vegetables on the road. there’s a lot of McDonalds, and a lot of crackers, and lots of things like that. And so every once in a while, you know, you just need to put something that once was alive in your mouth. Which is disgusting when you put it that way.”

    Realistically, vegetables are available nearly everywhere Tegan and Sara tour, so this is a pretty poor argument.

  2. books Says:

    i dont know where the rumour that they’re vegan came from.