Quantcast Vegetarian StarTaylor Lautner Meat Baggy Accessories For “New Moon” Body

Taylor Lautner Meat Baggy Accessories For “New Moon” Body

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 14th, 2009 in Actors, Not So Vegetarian.

'Twilight Saga: New Moon' Fans Event in Madrid

After hearing what Taylor Lautner ate to gain weight for his New Moon role, even vampire blood is starting to sound better.

“Yeah, so I carry around a Baggie and it has meat patties in it,” Lautner told Entertainment Weekly. “The worst is not the patties. It’s the sweet potatoes. They get raw and cold and gushy.”

Taylor’s meat and potatoes habit allowed him to put on 30 pounds, but how many points did he put on his cholesterol?

All the vegetarian and vegan male athletes like Tony Gonzalez, Prince Fielder, Georges Laraque and Brendan Brazier know seitan “wheat” meat or Gardein faux meat and potatoes would keep Taylor buffed and ripped, save a few animals and not significantly add to the carbon emissions dirtying up Mother Earth like meat production does.

You can view Taylor’s “animal” body of steel when New Moon hits theatres November 20.

Unfortunately, the experience won’t be nearly such a turn on for the veggie ladies.

via NY Celebrity Health and Fitness Examiner

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One Response to “Taylor Lautner Meat Baggy Accessories For “New Moon” Body”

  1. Mike Bernard Says:

    Veggies are fine for condiments, but it’s those fatty meats and water that makes men or women really lean and healthy too. It’s natures way.