Quantcast Vegetarian StarNora Jones “The Fall” November 17 2009–Picks Dog Over Vegan

Nora Jones "The Fall"

Nora Jones "The Fall"

Nora Jones has a new album coming out November 17 2009, The Fall.

Much like we brought you the vegan verses from Method Man‘s Blackout! Vol. 2, we’re excited to inform you Nora has the dilemma of choosing between a pothead or a vegan lover in Man of the Hour.

Though we were rooting for the vegan, we’re not entirely disappointed in the company she chose to keep–her album co star dog!

“It’s him or me/That’s what he said/But I can’t choose between a vegan and a pothead/So I chose you.”

You can never go wrong with a four legged date!

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One Response to “Nora Jones “The Fall” November 17 2009–Picks Dog Over Vegan”

  1. Mike Bernard Says:

    I agree!