Quantcast Vegetarian StarJackie O “Animals Australia” Pig Factory Farm Commercial (Video)

Help End Factory-Farming at AnimalsAustralia.org

Radio host and vegetarian Jackie O is starring in this PSA educating people about pig factory farms for Animals Australia.

Animals Australia has launched its first ever TV commercial which is currently airing down under.

The commercial intends to show readers the connection between the plastic wrapped pork they pick up in the supermarket and the animals that are confined in cages during their lifetime before slaughter.

“Australia is often called the lucky country,” Jackie says. “We have a quality of life that is always the envy of people around the world. But this should be the lucky country for animals as well. I was horrified to learn that despite improvements overseas, here in Australia, there are still over 200,000 mother pigs and 11 million battery hens who endure lives of sheer misery in factory farms.”

Watch the commercial that is airing below and the behinds the scenes with Jackie O above.

Help End Factory-Farming at AnimalsAustralia.org

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