Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaulina Rubio At Da Silvano–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Paulina Rubio At Da Silvano–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 5th, 2009 in Female Singers, Fur, Fur Real Or Fur Fake.

Paulina Rubio, sporting a fur vest and leg warmers, trots back to her table at Da Silvano restaurant after saying hello to friends seated nearby

Latin pop diva Paulina Rubio jetted off after having lunch with some friends at Da Silvano restaurant recently.

The Golden Girl and Queen of Latin Pop kept warm and made a fashion statement with this fur vest.

Paulina once made a statement, “I am famous since I was born,” giving reference to the fact her mother, Susana Dosamantes is a well known actress and her father, Enrique Rubio, is an high profile lawyer in Mexico.

Surely, such a beautiful and talented Latina with power would use it to better the world. And an easy way to be progressive and influence your fans is to show them fur is cruel is by wearing a fake.

Take a closer look and decide for yourself.

Did Paulina fake it at De Silvano? Or did she (sadly) wear the real thing?

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