Quantcast Vegetarian StarGlenn Beck To Al Gore–Eat Tofu, Save The Planet

Glenn Beck To Al Gore–Eat Tofu, Save The Planet

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 28th, 2009 in Politicians, TV Hosts, Videos.

Glenn Beck recently highlighted the importance of reducing meat consumption to prevent further destruction of the environment.

Beck called out Al Gore for not aggressively addressing the problem and encouraging environmentalists to become at least part time vegetarians and they are full time Prius drivers.

Beck began with a quote from U.K.’s climate chief Lord Stern:

“Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better.”

Although he poo pooed the idea of Meatless Mondays in some schools (some blah blah about forcing a lifestyle on someone), Beck then demanded that Gore put his burger down and demand other environmentalist do the same.

And…gulp. Beck says he sides with PETA.

“That’s why I am siding with PETA on this one — once again asking Al Gore: If you really want to save the planet, put down the cheeseburgers and pick up the veggie burgers. Time for soy milk and to-furkey. No more delicious chocolate cookies — how about a nice bean-thing. That is, if you want to save the planet.”

“I’ve said before I disagree with PETA, but I respect them because they are not hypocrites: They say what they mean and mean what they say. I just disagree with what they say — except when it calls for Al Gore to eat tofu.”

This guy’s starting to grow on us. Not only is he not a frog killer, but he respects vegetarianism.

Will Beck soon produce a conservative’s porn dream and strip down to his naughties saying “I’d rather go naked than keep destroying the planet?”

via Ecorazzi.com and foxnews.com

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