Quantcast Vegetarian StarBo Obama Celebrates Birthday With Veal “The Jay Leno Show”

Michelle Obama appeared on The Jay Leno Show and revealed the first pup, Bo, feasted on a doghouse shaped cake made of veal.


And you thought it couldn’t get any worse after the Obamas turned down the opportunity for a shelter dog.

We can’t think of a more unhappier celebration than a cake made from animals that are taken away from their mothers at birth and confined in small crates where they can’t move around.

It’s an industry so cruel, even some meat eaters swear off baby animals.

For a cruelty-free celebration with your pup, visit v-dogfood.com.

To learn more about the anti-veal campaigns, visit noveal.org.

Thanks to Rick for the tip!

via swamppolitics.com

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