Quantcast Vegetarian StarKatherine Jenkins “Believe” The Vegetarian Rumors

Katherine Jenkins “Believe” The Vegetarian Rumors

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 25th, 2009 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Chelsea Flower Show - Press & VIP Preview Day

Katherine Jenkins is releasing a new album, Believe, on October 27 2009 and the mezzo soprano singer is probably ready to dodge the bullet of rumors regarding her off stage personality any minute now.

In the past, some have labeled her demanding and difficult.

“I am definitely not a diva,” she said.

Oh, good. And she’s no assault by cell phone Naomi Campbell either.

“For starters I have never thrown a mobile phone at anyone. It is so not me to do something like that. I would never ever.”

“There is always a grain of truth in things that are written, like me ordering a vegetarian meal. But I’ve been a veggie for three years, so what else would I eat? My mum would sort me out if she thought I was acting up – and give me a good slap.”

Katherine took some heat from vegetarians when she agreed to sing at Harrod’s Department Store, the same store that Leona Lewis turned down to open, because it sells fur.

via mirror.co.uk

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