Quantcast Vegetarian StarKristen Bell “Women’s Health” Eating Many Colors, Staying Grainy

Kristen Bell poses for photographs while walking the red carpet at the premiere of Astro Boy , held at the Grauman's Chinese Theater

Kristen Bell recently did an interview with Women’s Health magazine where she revealed that although she went vegetarian at the age of 11 for animal rights, mom made sure she retained her healthy eating habits.

“I try to eat as many colors as possible. My mom taught me that when I was little. If you’re plate is colorful, you’re probably doing a good job.”

Kristen’s exercise routine consists of  lots of yoga, strength training, walking her dogs, and taking the stairs whenever possible.

“I try to eat more fresh foods than processed ones, and the grainiest bread possible.”

Maybe the Grain Council will recruit Kristen to be their next grain “it” girl.

via fitsugar.com

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