Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Harper Grain Council Contest: Free Fitness Training With Bob

NBC All-Star Event - Arrivals

If you’ve ever watched The Biggest Loser and wished you could have your very own personal Bob Harper cheering you on your fitness goals, here’s your chance.

Bob and The Grain Council are giving you the opportunity to win a trip to LA to see Bob and have a one on one training session with the nationally recognized fitness instructor.

Bob says everyone should have at least 6 servings of grains a day, with three of those being whole grains.

“One of the main things I tell people is that you’ve got to get your fruits, your vegetables and your grains every day,” Bob told Thatsfit.com. “Every morning I’m going to have my oatmeal; I’m going to have my fruits. For lunch I have brown rice and black beans. I always have Melba toast. Melba toast seems like an old lady thing to eat but I’m getting my servings of grain from that. Then dinner is always going be plenty of vegetables because I’m a vegetarian.”

Be an old lady like Bob and get yourself some grains!

Put whole grains like barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet, oatmeal and popcorn on your next shopping list.

And enter the Grain Council contest from now until October 27.

For more information on grains, visit gowiththegrain.org.

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One Response to “Bob Harper Grain Council Contest: Free Fitness Training With Bob”

  1. Bob Harper Suggests Best Veggie Snacks And Proteins (Video) Says:

    […] he’s not coaching weight loss contestants on The Biggest Loser or promoting the goodness of whole grains, he’s giving advice on My Trainer Bob on everything from healthy snacks to getting rid of […]