Quantcast Vegetarian StarWin “The Kind Diet” Alicia Silverstone Diet And Lifestyle Book


The Kind Diet

Alicia Silverstone has written a vegan diet and lifestyle book, The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide To Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet, and we’re giving away copies to 3 of our readers!

Filled with dozens of recipes, here’s your chance to learn to make Alicia’s favorite dishes like:

* Maple-Roasted Lotus Root, Sunchokes, and Leeks
* Artichoke, Mushroom, and Leek Crostini with Pesto Artichoke Dip
* Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
* Moroccan Couscous with Saffron
* Traditional English Breakfast
* Mochi Waffles Drizzled with Lemon–Walnut–Rice Syrup
* Waffle, Sausage, and Cheese Panini

Even if you’re not a vegan, Alicia’s book still offers advice for adding delicious vegan recipes in your life to improve your health and add variety and taste to your palate by sampling the lifestyle in three different stages: flirting, being vegan, and being a vegan superhero.

Not to mention The Kind Diet is full of eye opening information on the effects of meat on your body, animals and the planet.

To enter to win, simply leave a comment on this post telling us why you want a free copy of Alicia’s new book. We’ll be using your email address to contact you, so make you leave a valid address that you check regularly.

The contest closes at midnight, October 26th and 3 winners will be chosen randomly, then notified on Wednesday, October 28. Once notified, you’ll have 24 hours to respond. If there’s no response, we’ll pick another reader and someone else will have a chance to make those scrumptious chocolate peanut butter cups.

Good luck!

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59 Responses to “Win “The Kind Diet” Alicia Silverstone Diet And Lifestyle Book”

  1. luz Says:

    I love alicia silverstone and I thought was even cooler when she went vegan! I would love this book.

  2. Jaclyn Says:

    I have been doing quite a bit of research the past few weeks. It was interesting I have stumbled upon a few post saying that some people felt like they were vegan their entire lives but were forced to eat meat and lately i have felt the same way. I have been on and off being a vegetarian ever since i was 12. I would be faithful until i couldn’t take the comments anymore from family and would start eating meat once again. It wasn’t until recently that i had put on weight (after losing 40 lbs i had put half of it back on) and i realized a lot of my problem foods were processed dairy foods. This brought me to research veganism and I truthfully have to say it feels as if this would be the best fit for me the only problem is i feel like i need a solid piece of writing/info and I always seem to run into this book on my search. It is for this reason that i would LOVE a copy!!!! To help me gain control over my life once again and treat my body the way it has been craving since i was young!

  3. Christina Says:

    I’d love to win this book because maybe I could pass it on to my fiancé to whip up some nice dishes when I’m not around to do what I love best: cook 🙂

  4. Maneesh Says:

    Became a vegetarian over 6 years ago and have always been looking to make the jump to becoming vegan. I believe this book would be an excellent first step in making that change.

  5. Shari Black Velvet Says:

    I’d love love love to win this book because a) I’m poor, lol, and b) because although I’ve been vegan for 7 years I’m the pickiest eater when it comes to food and tend to eat the same boring fast food I can grab. There’s a lot that I don’t like so I get bored eating the same stuff over and over. I would like to read and try the meals that Alicia has developed in the book. I could also do with losing a few pounds in weight – so maybe you would be ‘kind’ and give ‘The Kind Diet’ to me!

  6. Kate Anne Says:

    I love animals and have been a vegetarian since I was 3. God only knows why because both of my parents are meat eaters. I turned vegan this past summer and could not be happier! I would love to learn more about Alicia’s lifestyle to incorporate into my own and help spread the word about living a happy, healthy, plant-based life! I believe that the world would be a much better place if we followed “The Kind Diet.” I believe it’s my purpose in life to help share this lifestyle with the world! I believe eating whole food plant based foods brings not only inner beauty but outer beauty as well! side note: plus I’m a broke college student and getting this for free would really be fantastic 🙂

  7. tara Says:

    i would love to win a copy of this book. i am a vegetarian and am trying to go vegan!

  8. Sheri Says:

    I would love to have this cookbook because I have been thinking about becoming a vegan. I am so sick of how meat and dairy products make me feel so run down. I looked at this book briefly at a major book store but did not have the extra money to purchase it. I have also seen how cruely they kill animals for the grocery store meats and what they do to baby chicks, so even though I am ony 1 person, I hope that I could also turn my family members on to a more kind diet as well.

  9. LaRa Says:

    I love that Veganism is the kind way to be on this planet…yet at the same time it can feed my vain obsession with beauty!!!
    I hoping to win this…since I am a “starving artist”…well Bellydancer that is!!!!