Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman Vegan Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals”

Love And Other Impossible Pursuits Premiere - 34th Annual Toronto International Film Festival

Although Tobey Maguire had convinced Natalie Portman to go vegan for awhile last year, from an interview with Jake Gyllenhaal in Interview magazine, Natalie gave hints that she still might do the dairy.

However, a recent interview with the La Times confirms Natalie is indeed vegan, thanks to reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s upcoming book, Eating Animals.

“There are certain things you can have different opinions on, but then other things, like torturing animals, [are] just wrong,” Natalie said and added she planned to become more outspoken on animal rights.

During the interview, Natalie was even munching on a soy cheese sandwich.

Ah, there’s no better way to show activism that by edible  example.

Natalie’s latest film, Kosher Vegetarian, premieres tomorrow October 16.

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One Response to “Natalie Portman Vegan Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals””

  1. Nina Says:

    I’ve been meaning to read Foer’s last book, but haven’t wandered into Barnes and Nobles lately.