Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorges Laraque “Octane 7.0” Ad Helps Animals (Video)

Georges Laraque drew criticism from women’s groups after he appeared in an Octane 7.0 energy drink with alcohol ad featuring the Montreal Canadienes vegan star playing hockey with scantily clad women.

What’s worse, the NHL discourages players from openly endorsing alcoholic beverages.

However, Laraque has apologized and vows to work with women’s charities in the future.

Plus, Laraque always donates profits from promos he does to charities, with the Octane 7.0 money going to animal rights.

Scantily clad women and animal rights?

Well, Georges is a PETA supporter, so what did you expect?

via theglobeandmail.com

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One Response to “Georges Laraque “Octane 7.0” Ad Helps Animals (Video)”

  1. Nina Says:

    You only see like 7 seconds of Georges. Most of it is the half naked girls playing with each, ha ha ha.