Quantcast Vegetarian StarSarah Silverman Marie Claire November ’09- Vegetarian Motivations

Comedy Central Emmy After Party

After speculation and gathering evidence, the answer to Sarah Silverman‘s vegetarian status is finally revealed!

The funny gal thinks eating meat is anything but humorous.

Silverman has revealed in the November 2009 issue of Marie Claire what made her turn vegetarian:

“When I was 9 or 10 years old, my dad took me over to a neighboring farm to help get stuff for the meal. The farmer, Vic, told me to look at all the turkeys and pick one out. I saw a cute one with a silly walk and cried, ‘Him!’ Before my pointing finger had even dropped to my side, Vic had grabbed the turkey by the neck and slit [the animal’s] throat. Blood and feathers went flying. I had sentenced that turkey to death! Up until then, I didn’t know where meat came from—and I’ve been a vegetarian ever since.”

There’s an old saying that behind every good man is a good woman. Sarah’s boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel has given the props to animal welfare and vegetarianism on his show before.

Will we soon see a meatless Jimmy?

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2 Responses to “Sarah Silverman Marie Claire November ’09- Vegetarian Motivations”

  1. Annie Says:

    Cool. Go Sarah!

  2. Loren Says:

    Thanks for being veg, Sarah. That makes you all the more beautiful. Jimmy, please join the club. So many smart and attractive people are vegan nowadays. For the love of the animals, you can do it!