Quantcast Vegetarian StarHelen Flanagan “Coronation Street” Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Coronation Street stars at Granada Studios in Manchester

Helen Flanagan was seen walking around Granada Studios in Manchester recently.

Helen plays Rosie Webster on Coronation Street, the longest running and most watched soap opera on British television.

If you’ve ever watched soap operas, you might get a laugh here and there, because, although entertaining, let’s face it-some of that acting is incredibly fake (not to mention you could have children and grandchildren before one storyline is complete).

Which is why we hope Helen was faking when she wore this furry jacket.

Animals have “One Life To Live” and they really should live it out to the fullest and not be skinned and killed prematurely for a coat.

Take a look and tell us what you think.

Is Helen fur real or fur fake?

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2 Responses to “Helen Flanagan “Coronation Street” Fur Real Or Fur Fake”

  1. smartypants Says:

    Helen has the right to wear whatever she wants, real or fake. Animal populations are kept in control through conservative and regulated hunting and trapping. It is absurd to make a blanket statement about wearing fur and the fur industry. Millions of people are walking around with kidskin, calfskin, snakeskin and all other sorts of skin on their feet, in their purses, etc. Go pick on them for a while. It is childish to see only one side of the fur debate.

  2. sandy Says:

    she’s wearing sheepskin ugg boots and carrying a leather chanel bag, so I’m not sure why you’re focussing on her coat!