Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell Gone To The Vegan Dogs?

Jane Velez-Mitchell Gone To The Vegan Dogs?

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 5th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Journalists.

20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - New York City

Much veggie ado is taking place on Jane Velez-Mitchell‘s Facebook.

A fan recently asked Jane, a vegan, if she was thinking of bringing her dogs over to that side, too.

“Hey Jane, I was just wondering, since you own Chihuahuas and your a vegetarian, do you have your dogs eating “meat-free” dog food? There are such products for dogs and cats of owners that are vegans, but dogs and cats are naturally meat eaters, so I think its bad to their health to restrict meat from their diet. What do you think?”

A vegetarian Chihuahua?

Yo quiero comida sin carne!

Lots of pet owners, including celebrities like Alicia Silverstone, Shahid Kapoor, and Paul McCartney, have put their dogs and cats on vegetarian diets, with special attention being paid to cats since it’s essential to have food that contains taurine, found mainly in chicken.

But vegan dog and cat food exists.

Have you made your pet go veg?

Did Whiskers enjoy the new meatless dish or did he develop a Goode Family dog Che syndrome?

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