Quantcast Vegetarian StarPink Gives Verbal Fist Bump To Michelle Obama Fur Free Closet

Pink Gives Verbal Fist Bump To Michelle Obama Fur Free Closet

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 29th, 2009 in Female Singers, Fur.

Brisbane Entertainment Centre Presents Pink With Her Own Toilet

Pink got political during her sold out show at the Patriot Center in the D.C. area recently and gave a shout out to First Lady Michelle Obama.

“Let’s get political for a second,” Pink said. “Since we’re near D.C., I have to give a shout-out to Michelle Obama, who has announced that she is officially fur-free. I love an animal-lovin’ first lady!”

Pink then began singing her Dear Mr. President song, which describes her questions about politics.

Better to be on Pink’s good side when it comes to animal hides because if you remember correctly, she had a few different choice of words when describing Kanye West and fur.

via peta.org

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