Heather Mills Blasts Jamie Oliver For Male Calf Castration
Written by Vegetarian Star on September 11th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Chefs.
Vegan Heather Mills isn’t showing any love for fellow Brit Jamie Oliver.
The celebrity chef recently castrated a male calf and ate its testicles on his television show Jamie’s American Road Trip.
And Jamie’s show doesn’t involve any reality TV eating challenges, either.
Using the power of the Twitter, Heather wrote:
“I’m horrified watching Jamie Oliver castrate calves and eat their b*****ks, how low can you go, he says they taste like Scampi!”
Director of Animal Aid, Andrew Taylor, agrees with Heather.
“The public is convinced Jamie Oliver is the real deal but hopefully this barbaric act will open their eyes to the fact he is a phony when it comes to animal welfare,” Taylor said. “He pretends he cares about animals but this makes an utter mockery of that. Castrating cattle in this way is vicious and grotesque and he’s giving credibility to an ugly trade. If he thinks this is good prime time TV he has been duped.”
Jamie’s rep defended the chef’s actions by saying the show is meant to show the British public the different aspects of American cuisine and life.
A regular part of American cuisine and life? That’s it! Cow testicles must have been the “mystery meat” in your school lunches growing up.
“Jamie is on his American road trip to observe and to learn and to show the viewing public some parts of America they might not know about. Jamie is well-known for his championing of better welfare for animals and has had awards from many animal welfare groups.”
Guess Jamie thinks his awards are a free get out of animal cruelty jail pass.
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September 11th, 2009 at 4:35 pm
Showing examples of American cuisine?
Who eats calf testicles?
November 19th, 2009 at 4:45 pm
Actually, that is common in America. Here in Kentucky, its commonly referred to as “Rock Mountain Oysters.” There are tons of regional dishes that sound weird, but its the American way of life. Stop knocking him for doing his job and realize that every day hundreds of thousands of cows are castrated, and its not surgical. it involves several people holding the cow down and a sharp knife. Its how things are done, and until you change it, stop blasting it.