Animal Liberation’s Peter Singer On Michael Vick: Critics Go Veg!
Written by Vegetarian Star on August 21st, 2009 in Animal Issues, Authors.
The Michael Vick hype may take a long time, if ever, to wind down.
Until then, we’ll continue to update you on those in the veg community who have something to say about the matter.
Peter Singer, famous for his book, Animal Liberation, has a viewpoint somewhat like Alec Baldwin’s in that he feels Vick’s actions were horrible, but were minor compared to the meat industry.
“What he did was certainly awful. But many people do or participate in things regarding animals that are awful. To some extent, I think people may have rushed to judgment because he did something awful to dogs.”
“For example, the kinds of things that are done to pigs to turn them into ham or bacon are awful, but we don’t care as much about pigs as we do dogs. And I think there’s every reason to believe that pigs are as sensitive and intelligent as dogs.”
“What I’m saying is that the people who are very quick to jump on Michael Vick maybe could spend some time thinking about how they participate in the cruelty to animals just by walking into the supermarket, spend some time thinking about what happened to that animal before it was turned into meat.”
Continue reading Peter’s entire interview at philly.com.
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