Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlec Baldwin: Michael Vick Is Excuse For Lack Of Real Animal Rights

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Gotta love Alec Baldwin when he writes a thought provoking piece.

In the midst of the Michael Vick comeback, Baldwin has written at the Huffington Post his thoughts on the matter.

Sure, Vick was evil.

But shouldn’t we be directing equal hostility towards the millions of people who regularly consume animal products and run inhumane research labs?

“What Vick did is, obviously, senseless and reprehensible. But I believe Vick, as a wealthy and talented athletic superstar who performs his job out in the open before crowds of amped-up and highly opinionated fans, suffers an unfair disadvantage as compared to, say, the heads of a meatpacking plant or the directors of a medical research lab where animals are suffering the cruelest imaginable abuses behind walls and doors that remove them from our sight and, therefore, judgments. Vick did horrific things and he deserved to be punished. He served his time and now I wonder what good does it do to exile him in shame and not let him show his example of how one can be rehabilitated after that kind of behavior. If Vick returns to his true form as an NFL pro, that platform can mean real progress for the animal rights movement. Or do some people really not want to open that conversation?”

“Vick is one man who, along with his friends, brutally tortured and killed many innocent dogs and called it a sport. Each day in this country, millions upon millions of animals are suffering lives of daily abuse in factory farming, but we turn away because that animal, unlike Vick’s dogs, ends up on a grill and then on our plates. Animals that are not raised as pets suffer in ways that you and I don’t really want to know. And in economic hard times like now, support for groups like the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other prominent players in the animal rights movement, drops precipitously.”

Continue reading Alec’s post at huffingtonpost.com.

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