Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Has No Time For Long Locks Anymore

Heather Mills Has No Time For Long Locks Anymore

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 3rd, 2009 in Business, Chefs, Models, Restaurants.

Heather Mills stands against cruelty

Heather Mills has been sporting a sleek, short hairstyle for some time and she has recently revealed that not only does it serve the purpose of giving her a new look, but it’s much easier to manage now that she’s swamped with the business of her new vegan cafe, V Bites.

“I decided I had no more time to keep drying my hair with having to work late and get up early for the new V-Bites café and restaurant, factory, travelling, school drops, etcetera, so I chopped it off back to how I had it in my twenties.”

“I asked a local village hairdresser if she would do it, and thought what the hell. She did a great job. I love it. It’s easy. I now just wake up and run my fingers through my hair, as it’s a just-got-out-of-bed look – after a great night in bed, of course!”

Of course, Heather’s new do surely requires less products to maintain it, which means less waste in terms of packaging.

And you thought she couldn’t get any greener with her vegan diet!

Incidentally, if you’re thinking about emulating Heather or just getting a haircut in general, why not donate your locks to Locks of Love, and provide hairpieces to disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss.

via digitalspy.com

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