Quantcast Vegetarian StarZooey Deschanel’s Vegan Recipes From Her Summer “To Do” List



Zooey Deschanel, kid sister of BonesEmily Deschanel, is featured in the August issue of Self magazine, where she’s made a list of things to do before the end of the summer.

We’re particularly interested in a #5, #10, #12, #26. and #30, which include some delicious veg recipes.

So enjoy these last few days of summer with some vegetable soup, fruit jam, chickpeas and vegan chocolate. And tuck the recipe cards away. You’ll want to recreate these dishes to remember the good times when the foot of snow falls in January.

#5. Whip Up Some Summer Green Soup. Recipe.
#10. Eat Some Heirloom Tomatoes. “I like all the varieties,” Zooey said. “With salt.”
#12. Make Jam Out Of A Summer Fruit, Like Strawberries. Recipe.
#26. Spice Chickpeas And Roast Them In The Oven Until They Are Crunchy. Recipe.
#30. Mix Up A Vegan Chocolate Treat. Recipe.

Read Zoey’s entire summer to-do list at self.com.

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