Quantcast Vegetarian StarArt For Life Brings You Vegan Dinner With Bill Clinton

Art For Life Brings You Vegan Dinner With Bill Clinton

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 15th, 2009 in Business, Politicians.

2009 Campus Progress National Conference in Washington

Russell Simmons has launched an online auction for the 10th annual Art For Life Garden Party Benefit on July 18 in East Hampton.

Art For Life Benefits Simmons’ charity, Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation, that allows kids from disadvantaged backgrounds to connect with the arts.

The online auction features the chance to attend a private dinner at Simmons’ place in East Hampton on July 20, where several guests will be present, including former president of the United States, Bill Clinton.

The vegan dinner will be prepared by celebrity chef Tom Colicchio.

A total of 35 other guests will be in attendance, representing 35 of the most influential people in the world under 35 years of age. Previous year’s guest included representatives from Facebook and Twitter.

To bid in the auction, as well as check out other items available such as the chance to meet Fall Out Boy and yoga lessons with Simmons, visit charitybuzz.com.

via looktothestars.org

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