Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Can Eat At These Places In Halifax. You Can Too.

Paul McCartney Performs At The Joint At The Hard Rock

Paul McCartney is in Halifax, Nova Scotia for a concert tonight and the thecoast.ca has listed some suggested places the vegetarian can grab a bite to eat before his show.

We already know Paul won’t be patronizing the donair establishments, but he might find these restaurants can buy his love.

These guys have several dishes named after Paul, like the “Macca-roni.” Plus, there’s the Lonely Hearts Club Sandwich with smoked tofu and soy mayonnaise. Somebody who created that menu is a fan.

The Wooden Monkey
Made with fresh organic and macrobiotic ingredients, The Wooden Monkey is a good place for mixed eaters-offering dozens of vegetarian options like the veggie burger, Japanese dumplings with tofu, and chickpea salad in addition to the meat selections.

Read the entire list of places Paul can eat at, including where he can get a vegan breakfast tomorrow morning.

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One Response to “Paul McCartney Can Eat At These Places In Halifax. You Can Too.”

  1. Ryan Patey Says:

    For more info on veg* places in Halifax you can check out the dining guide I helped publish a few years ago for the city:

    A Cure for Vegoraphobia: A Halifax Vegan Dining Guide

    Heartwood’s menu is not always like that, but it is good regardless of whether or not the names are inspired by a Beatle.

    Ryan Patey
    T.O.F.U. Magazine