Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathy Freston Addresses Vegs Who “Pooh Pooh” Meat-Free Monday

Kathy Freston Addresses Vegs Who “Pooh Pooh” Meat-Free Monday

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 29th, 2009 in Authors.

Kathy Freston Celebrates Her New Book Quantum Wellness

Kathy Freston, author of Quantum Wellness Cleanse, has expressed before that vegetarians and vegans need to be a little nicer to the omnivores.

She advocates utilizing non vegan businesses, for example, when a vegan product is offered to encourage those businesses to expand their cruelty-free options.

Now that Meat-Free Mondays are on the calendar, she acknowledges that vegetarians and vegans will point their fingers to the other six days of the week and demand change, but feels they shouldn’t be too harsh because every step towards less meat is better.

So don’t “pooh pooh” only one day of meat-free eating, okay guys?

“And I know that some vegetarians pooh pooh Meatless Monday as not enough. I’m sympathetic to that view, but I think it’s unnecessarily strident. For people who think that going totally vegetarian is too challenging, the Meatless Monday campaign offers a gentle entrée into the idea of eating without eating animals. My hope is that people will use the campaign as a stepping stone–first one meatless day per week, then three, then five, then seven. As we lean into meatless eating–switching out more and more meat meals for meatless meals–we end up feeling better, both physically and ethically.”

Visit Huffingtonpost.com to read Kathy’s entire blog post on the topic.

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One Response to “Kathy Freston Addresses Vegs Who “Pooh Pooh” Meat-Free Monday”

  1. The Green Quote: Quantum Wellness Author Kathy Freston Praises Meatless Mondays // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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