Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathy Freston Says Shop, Eat Vegan At Mainstream Establishments

Kathy Freston Celebrates Her New Book Quantum Wellness

One dilemma vegans have is whether to support non vegan companies.

Kathy Freston, the author who inspired Oprah Winfrey to go vegan for 21 days, has her stance on this and recently shared it with W Magazine’s Senior Fashion Features Editor Dana Wood. Wood and W Mag are on a full blown vegan kick, regularly featuring animal-free fashion in the sea of forest critter coats and cuffs.

Freston shared with Dana that she buys items from non vegan designers to encourage them to expand their collection.

“By buying non-leather items from non-vegan fashion houses, Freston hopes to encourage designers to step up the cruelty-free offerings. “It’s just like restaurants,” she says. “I almost prefer to go to mainstream places because I think it’s good that they get requests for vegetarian and vegan meals. The more they get positive feedback on that, the more items they’ll add to their menus. And I think it’s the same with fashion houses.””

Sounds like a good way to approach it. 

And in the end, this might just help veg food and clothing become mainstream. 

via wmagazine.com

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2 Responses to “Kathy Freston Says Shop, Eat Vegan At Mainstream Establishments”

  1. Natasha Says:

    That’s so true!

  2. Author Kathy Freston Supports Vegan And Non-Vegan Companies // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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