Quantcast Vegetarian StarErykah Badu Speaks At Queen Afua Wellness Institute Opening

Erykah Badu performs at the 40th New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

Erykah Badu was a guest speaker at the grand opening of the Queen Afua Wellness Center in Brooklyn, New York.

The celebration marked the expansion of the already existing Queen Afua’s Heal Thyself Natural Living Center.

Queen Afua is a holistic health practitioner, advocate, and author.

The new institute will feature vegan foods, detox products and services, as well as a juice bar.

Vegan Erykah is no stranger to holistic health, grows her own herbs, and has spoken publicly about getting her license for holistic health and prescribing.

Along with her brunch and dinner Q & A Sessions with Queen Afua, Erykah hosted an afterparty.

The event featured vegan ice cream from Wheeler’s Frozen Dessert Company.

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