Quantcast Vegetarian StarTwitter Wit Has Michael Showalter, Paula Poundstone Veg Tweets

New York Magazines 40th Anniversary Event

Twitter Wit: Brilliance in 140 Characters or Less, is a book compiled by Nick Douglas that showcases some of the funniest Tweets to comedians like Margaret Cho, Michael Showalter, and Paula Poundstone.

Punchline magazine has shared a few to warm up your funny bone, which include some hilarious vegetarian themed thoughts.

Like a Tweet made to Paula Poundstone, suggesting dominating, Type A personality chickens ran the food research labs:

@paulapoundstone My daughter is eating vegetarian chicken nuggets. I’ll bet chickens gathered outside the lab that developed that food. “How’s it coming?”

Or one Tweet to Michael Showalter, which suggests spinach doing questionable activities:

@mshowalter Waitress just said their creamed spinach was “banging.” Now sure how I feel about that.

Twitter Wit is available September 8th.

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