Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Vegetarian Ad Targets El Paso, Texas

Alicia Silverstone Vegetarian Ad Targets El Paso, Texas

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 24th, 2009 in Actresses.


After Men’s Fitness magazine named El Paso, Texas as one of the fattest cities, PETA decided to do some “target advertising” and is showing an Alicia Silverstone vegetarian PSA in a TV ad campaign in the city.

You know, the one where Alicia’s emerging from the swimming pool, au naturel.

“I’m Alicia Silverstone, and I’m a vegetarian,” Silverstone says and goes on to explain how the diet has changed her life and given her more energy.

The ad is currently airing in El Paso this week on KVIA-TV (ABC).

“The Sun City’s love affair with meat is making its residents fat — and could literally be killing them,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “If the good people of El Paso want to shed their ‘saddlebags’ and get on the road to good health, the best thing that they can do is go vegetarian.”

While El Paso is one of the fattest cities on the Men’s Fitness list, the number one spot went to Miami, Florida. Salt Lake City, Utah took the fittest.

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