Quantcast Vegetarian StarSarah Silverman Makes Vegetarian Proclamation?

Sarah Silverman Makes Vegetarian Proclamation?

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 20th, 2009 in Actresses, Comedians, Videos.

When we heard Sarah Silverman ordered spaghetti without the meatballs, we didn’t think much else of it.

The comedian isn’t listed on any other vegetarian websites and she’s never been an activist, so we figured she just liked her spaghetti sans cow.

Then, we got a tip from reader Anon, saying Sarah was indeed a vegetarian and had even made a video discussing how to cook vegetarian meatballs.

Here’s a clip Anon found with Sarah on The Larry Sanders Show. The caption reads, “All the guests except Sarah were served a six course wild game tasting menu, including Elk, Quayle, and Pheasant.”

One of the guests says they didn’t know Sarah was a vegetarian, to which Sarah replies, “I’m just not a carnivore.”

There’s always the chance Sarah is one of those fish eating vegetarians or has some other technicality that doesn’t make her one. And she didn’t specifically say, “I’m a vegetarian.”

The scene starts around minute 6:49.

What do you think? Is Sarah officially in the club?

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One Response to “Sarah Silverman Makes Vegetarian Proclamation?”

  1. Elaine Vigneault Says:

    I think her quick subject change indicates she just might be one of us. She didn’t want to talk about it – probably because she’s been probed a million times by non-veg people and she knows from experience how poorly it all ends.

    But even if she isn’t veg, that “dinner” was disgusting! Even a moderate meat-eater might not want to eat elk, quail, and pheasant surrounded by more animal corpses on the walls. YUCK.