Quantcast Vegetarian StarStars Go Home To Stella McCartney’s West Hollywood Store

Screening Of Home At Stella McCartneys Store - Arrivals

The screening of Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s Home went well at Stella McCartney‘s West Hollywood store.

Several eco-stars were there for the event, including Emily Deschanel, who gave the following advice for being greener:

“Reusing is as important as recycling. Don’t forget to bring your own bag when shopping. Keep one in the car. Buy natural products. I’m picking up an amazing belt of Stella’s that I bought. It’s non-leather. The tanning process is terrible for the environment. There are so many things to do…”

Of course we know our gal Emily’s vegan, which does more for the environment than taking all the cars off the road! Wonder why she didn’t bring it up?

Guests were served organic vegan food and sipped on organic Stella wine while watching the film.

If you weren’t on the Stella Home screening invite list (we know, it sucks), you can host a screening in your own home.

From now until June 14th, you can view the entire Home documentary from your computer.

It’s too beautiful for words, so all we can say is go “full screen” mode when watching!

via treehugger.com

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