Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Kathy Freston Says Veg Diet #1 For Better Health

Kathy Freston Celebrates Her New Book Quantum Wellness

“The single best thing you can do for optimal health is to cut way back on animal protein…until you can cut it out completely. Animal protein causes inflammation, among other things; it’s been conclusively shown to cause (and fan the flames of) cancer and heart disease. It burdens your body all around, insofar as circulation, hormonal imbalance, allergies, asthma, etc. But beyond that, optimal health includes a sense of inner wellbeing too. And I think it’s hard to feel really good, to have a sense that you are in synch with the upward thrust of evolution, if you are partaking in something that has become so cruel and unjust. When you eat in a pure way, that is kind and compassionate, an inner transformation happens that is more energizing than any vitamin or exercise regimen could ever be.”

—Author Kathy Freston, in an exclusive interview with Ecorazzi.com. Kathy is the woman who convinced Oprah Winfrey to go vegan for three weeks and is the author of several books, including her latest, The Quantum Wellness Cleanse.

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