Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Cooking Roast Potatoes, Veggie Gravy At V-Bites

Heather Mills Hosts Healthy Meal Cook-A-Thon with students in The BronxEven though it took her almost forever to finally get her vegan restaurant off the ground, we’re learning more and more about Heather Mills‘ plans for her diner, V-Bites.

Chef Heather will be making guest appearances every Sunday cooking her favorites for customers. Now that’s ownership!

“I’ll be coming in on Sundays, making my speciality of all the roast potatoes, parsnips, all the veg and gravy,” Heather revealed.

Mmmm…Who doesn’t like vegan gravy? Yum!

If you can’t make it to Heather’s place every Sunday, there’s tons of vegan gravy recipes on the good ol’ net, like Brown Gravy, Chickenless Gravy, and Roasted Garlic Gravy over at vegcooking.com

Vegan gravy goes great over seitan, biscuits, tofu, and veggies. There’s no need to wait until the Holidays to make it!

via hellomagazine.com

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One Response to “Heather Mills Cooking Roast Potatoes, Veggie Gravy At V-Bites”

  1. Lisa J. Says:

    We make a homemade vegan gravy from scratch when we make our tofu turkey. But it’s usually in the spring. For some reason, everyone wants pizza or mac and cheese for Thanksgiving. LOL!