Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegan Olivia Wild Is #1 On Maxim’s Hot 100 List

Vegan Olivia Wild Is #1 On Maxim’s Hot 100 List

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 18th, 2009 in Actresses.

American Casino premiere at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival

Maxim recently unveiled its Hot 100 List and a vegan lady is numero uno!

Olivia Wilde, star on Fox’s House, tops the charts and beat out other meat eating woman like Megan Fox, Eliza Dushku, and Rhihanna.

Olivia made Maxim’s 100 Hottest women in 2008-but barely hanging on the ladder at #97.

We suspect her sudden rise to the top has something to do with her veganness. Really, we heard plant based foods do wonders for the hair and skin.

Olivia had been “mostly vegetarian” with the exception of a plateful of flipper here and there. Then, earlier this year, she made the announcement on Ellen DeGeneres she’d transitioned into a complete vegan.

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