Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Is A Raw Snickrz Kind Of Girl

Stormbreaker - UK Film PremiereVegan desserts are a weakness for anyone. From Uncle Eddie’s cookies to So Delicious Ice Cream to Amy’s new vegan cakes, you could easily rack up the grocery bill is sugar coated goodies and forget all the other “essentials” you came for.

Alicia Silverstone apparently is just as mortal as the rest of us and is a big fan of “Snickrz,” a cake made with chocolate, peanut butter, caramel and nuts.

We know this because raw foods chef Stephen Hauptfuhr has told all to the Los Angeles Times blog. Hauptfuhr opened a raw vegan foods catering company, Mooi, after hosting dozens of dinner parties at  his home and realizing that he could charge his friends, but he could make even more money charging others (haha, uh, we added that last revelation).

Some items on his catering menu include beet fettuccine with cilantro pesto and chocolate chili tacos with marinated greens

Oh, yeah, let’s not forget about the desserts, which are sold at the Elf cafe in LA (makes us think the Keebler elves went vegan and quit to work for someone else).

Soon Hauptfuhr will be opening his own cafe.

Read more of Hauptfuhr and his raw vegan goodies at latimesblogs.latimes.com.

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