Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell Discusses Swine Flu And Pig Factory Farming

Jane Velez-Mitchell is tackling animal rights and vegan issues on television once again!

During a recent Issues With Jane Velez-Mitchell, the vegan television anchor discussed the recent swine flu outbreak and its possible link to inhumane factory farming of pigs. Some scientists believe when pigs are kept in such confined conditions as they are in factory farms, their immune systems cannot fight infections.

There have been at least 40 CDC confirmed swine flu cases in the United States during this outbreak.

She interviewed Dr. Michael Greger, Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture of the Humane Society of the United States.

“When thousands of animals are overcrowded together in these filthy football field size sheds to lie in, nose to nose in their own waste, it’s a breeding ground for disease.,” said Dr. Gregor. “The perfect storm environment for the emergence and spread for these new diseases.”

Watch the video to hear Dr. Greger and Jane discuss more about the possible link between pig factory farms and swine flu.

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5 Responses to “Jane Velez-Mitchell Discusses Swine Flu And Pig Factory Farming”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I saw this! I’m so happy Jane talked about this since no other news program will. They turn a blind eye to the truth!

  2. Cindy Says:

    I saw this and was completely disgusted!! No pork product of any kind will be served in my home again until this unthinkable cruelty is stopped.

  3. Louis Says:

    You think that people would learn to stay completely away from animal products. It seems there is a different scare every season or so. If not e. coli, then salmonella, now swine flu.

    When are people going to learn that animals were not meant to be consumed by humans (unless maybe in the wilderness).

  4. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Oprah’s KFC Free Chicken Charity Stirs Conversation On Swine Flu Says:

    […] Jane Velez-Mitchell and Dr. Gregor of the HSUS said it best: the conditions in factory farms like the ones KFC chickens are kept in are the hub for breeding diseases. […]

  5. Jim Carrey Says Swine Flu Exists Because We Treat Pigs Badly Says:

    […] have little to no room to move around and often lie in their own and other animals’ excrement? Dr. Michael Greger of the Humane Society agrees these are breeding grounds for […]