Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Russell Simmons Says Being Vegetarian Can Lighten Your Footprint

The Cinema Society and MCM host a screening of Obsessed - outside arrivals

“People don’t understand what it is to lighten their footprint, what steps to take. So if we give them the simple steps and we tell them exactly how much it affects the environment if they make certain changes—being a vegetarian, doing other things that make a dramatic difference in how much weight they carry in the world—people want to know that. When they realize that by changing simple things they can make a difference, it’s an empowerment vehicle.”

—-Russell Simmons, in an interview with grist.org on the little steps people can take to reduce their carbon footprint. Yes, being a vegetarian is a great way to lighten their footprint. Even if it means cheating every once in awhile.

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