Quantcast Vegetarian StarEmily Deschanel Meat’s Not Green Video

Emily Deschanel Meat’s Not Green Video

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 23rd, 2009 in Actresses, Environment-Eco-Green, Videos.

Environmentalists take note: If you eat meat, you’re a hypocrite.

Meat’s not green, says Emily Deschanel in her latest PSA for PETA. The meat industry is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined, according to a recent report by the UN on Climate Change.

“There is no such thing as a meat-eating environmentalist. Now-a-days being green is very fashionable — especially in Hollywood,” Emily says. “While I think it is terrific to recycle and drive a hybrid, you can have an even greater impact on the environment by making one simple choice: don’t eat meat.”

“Fight climate change with diet change.”

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3 Responses to “Emily Deschanel Meat’s Not Green Video”

  1. David Says:

    Love her, love her, love her!

    She can talk to me about being green all day long.

  2. Brad Says:

    She’s amazing.

  3. Natasha Says:

    I love Emily!