Quantcast Vegetarian StarBiz Stone, Twitter Founder, Is Vegan: 1 Day Ago From NY Times

Twitter CEO Evan Williams Meets With Mayor Newsom At Company's Headquarters

Oh, giggities. We don’t know exactly how to contain ourselves. We love Twitter, tweet regularly, and hope that you follow us.

So it was a pleasant surprise to learn Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, is a vegan!

We tried to bring you the story in less than 140 characters, but you know…that’s kinda difficult. But you can 140 character him @Biz.

In an interview with the New York Times, reporter Maureen Dowd joked that people might not really care what you’re doing (thus, why Tweet about it).

Do you ever think “I don’t care that my friend is having a hamburger?”

BIZ: If I said I was eating a hamburger, Evan would be surprised because I’m a vegan.

Oh, yeah. Go Biz!

via nytimes.com

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7 Responses to “Biz Stone, Twitter Founder, Is Vegan: 1 Day Ago From NY Times”

  1. Darci Says:

    Totally cool!

  2. Natasha Says:

    Yes! This is fantastic!

  3. does being a vegan consume your everyday life? | Lifes Like... Says:

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  5. Adventures Being Vegan » Blog Archive » Martha Stewart Goes Veg Says:

    […] to vegan living. She’ll be cooking a vegan entrée with Twitter’s vegan co-founder, Biz Stone, and learning about a cruelty-free lifestyle with Kathy Freston, best-selling author of Veganist […]

  6. ‘Martha Stewart’ Goes Vegan Says:

    […] vegan living. She’ll be cooking a vegan entrée with Twitter’s vegan co-founder, Biz Stone, and learning about a cruelty-free lifestyle with Kathy Freston, best-selling author of […]

  7. Fran Costigan Says:

    Vegan seems to be making the rounds on the most important ‘life’style shows. Martha follows Oprah (2x) and Ellen (many times), and this is great!