Quantcast Vegetarian StarErykah Badu: Bite Me! I’m A Vegan

Erykah Badu: Bite Me! I’m A Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 2nd, 2009 in Female Musicians, Female Singers.

Erykah Badu - Atlanta Concert

Vegan and natural childbirth champ Erykah Badu performed at the Jazz Festival at Miami Gardens this weekend.

During her performance Erykah wore a t-shirt that read, “Bite Me! I am vegan.”

What’cha tryin’ to say, Erykah? You’d taste better for the cannibals? Ha, ha.

We know Erykah just likes wearing her vegan pride whenever she gets the chance.

The former vegan, who now eats fish rapper Common was there to perform as well.

via Thenassaugaurdian.com

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One Response to “Erykah Badu: Bite Me! I’m A Vegan”

  1. Nina Says:

    Oh yeah. Erykah rocks!