Quantcast Vegetarian StarJared Leto, Spider Savior, Enjoyed Vegan Fare At Bardot

A scruffy Jared Leto heads home after dining at West Hollywoods Katsuya restaurant

Jared Leto was spotted hanging out at LA hot spot Bardot and enjoying some late night vegan grub!

A source said the actor and rocker, “chilled in the lounge with a couple of buddies.”

If you recall us telling you, Leto played the role of spider rescuer at a party for Proposition 2 that Olivia Wilde attended. When a huge, black spider was aiming for musician Moby’s head during his performance, Leto didn’t hesitate to rush in and, instead of killing it, place it back on the ground.

Speaking of bars, how easy is it to find good vegan grub there? A bar in Hollywood may be more likely to have vegan fare, but everywhere else? Have you been able to find good veg food at 2:00 AM to munch on while you sip your vegan Heineken?

via Celebuzz.com and Radaronline.com

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5 Responses to “Jared Leto, Spider Savior, Enjoyed Vegan Fare At Bardot”

  1. Lisa Says:

    I’ve found plenty of veggie options in bars, including portabello mushroom sandwiches and veggie burgers. And we’re talking in the midwest and not New York or California.

  2. Future Mrs. Robert Pattinson Says:

    What? Vegan men don’t shave nowdays?:)

  3. Merel Says:

    jared isnt vegan,
    he’s a vegetarian.
    And its uncertein wheter he eats fish so he might be a pescotarian,
    but def. not a vegan.

  4. Bill Walsh Says:

    I’m from Canada, and regardless of where you go these days, there is a more concerted effort to provide veggie options at night spots, especially in the major centers like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

    The goal after all is to attract the crowds and more and more customers are preferring better food choices to enhance the social and entertainment experience

  5. Bruce Says:

    I’m from Canada to, but from the West, where we grow cattle. Lot’s of cattle!

    Anything with a “veggie” option would likely never sell to well in our establishments. In fact if you try and eat out in any rural establishment it’s pretty much “meat and potatoes”!