Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Alicia Silverstone Gives Tips For Eating Green

Peter Alexander Boutique Grand Opening

“Eat Green. Because food production causes the most damage to the planet. So eat as many plant based foods as possible. Ease away from the meat and dairy. Move towards the whole grains and vegetables and beans and tempeh and all the yummy things out there. I have a book coming out in October called The Kind Diet. It will show you how to eat the most delicious food on the planet but also [keeping it] green. Every little bit makes a difference so the more vegetarian meals you have the better.”

—-Actress and activist Alicia Silverstone, in a behind the scenes photo shoot for 944 magazine.

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2 Responses to “Meatless Mouthful: Alicia Silverstone Gives Tips For Eating Green”

  1. Future Mrs. Robert Pattinson Says:

    I can’t wait until her book comes out. I hope it does well and she continues to write. She is truly a beautiful and talented woman.

  2. Natasha Says:

    I love that she’s going to write a book about healthy and humane eating!