Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Oliver Targeted By Naked, Pregnant Moms For Animal Rights

Jamie Oliver Targeted By Naked, Pregnant Moms For Animal Rights

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 19th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Chefs.

Jamie Oliver Opens New Dinner Show

We’re sure Jamie Oliver likes naked women, but probably not attacking him in this manner.

When we told you British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s “Save Our Bacon” television show would educate people on the conditions some farm animals live in, we thought it might be a UK Prop2 2-like step forward in encouraging better treatment of animals before slaughter.

Oliver advocates buying British pork, versus cheaper pork produced elsewhere where animal welfare isn’t considered.

While some may be thankful for this small potential advancement, PETA is not satisfied and has targeted the celebrity chef for protests.

“The answer to saving pigs is not to buy British pork, it’s to go vegetarian,” PETA said, according to the UK Telegraph.

A spokesperson for Oliver, however, is defending him, saying Oliver is a “big supporter of animal welfare.”

“They do seem to be protesting against somebody who is trying to help the situation,” he said. “It’s a slightly odd place for them to be protesting but nonetheless they are welcome to do that. My main concern was that they would get cold. In the programme we never said that the British pig farming industry is completely whiter than white, we did a very balanced programme.”

His reference to “getting cold” refers to the naked, pregnant mothers who were caged outside his Fifteen Restaurant, meant to mimic conditions pigs often endure on animal farms.

PETA hold naked pregnant protest outside Jamie Olivers restaurant

Is there any truth to Oliver’s spokesperson’s statements? Could it be that PETA bares down too hard at times in their quest to make everyone vegetarian that they compromise efforts of those who at least are trying to improve some parts of the meat industry? Is it unrealistic to expect everyone to go completely veg and should activists spend equal efforts ensuring those animals that will eventually be eaten be treated as humanely as possible before and killed without pain?

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2 Responses to “Jamie Oliver Targeted By Naked, Pregnant Moms For Animal Rights”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Mom Blogs – Blogs for Moms…

  2. Jamie Oliver Vegetable Jalfrezi Recipe Says:

    […] a target of animal rights activists for serving meat in his restaurants, Oliver has been outspoken about […]