Quantcast Vegetarian StarBlack Keys’ Patrick Carney On Vegiterranean: Good Food, Bad Music

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Patrick Carney, drummer for the blues-rock band The Black Keys, grew up in the same city and attended the same school as The Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde.

The two have collaborated on a fundraiser and he takes people to eat at her Vegiterranean vegan restaurant frequently. He thinks the food is great, but he’s not too keen on the music.

“It’s an awesome restaurant, but it’s surprising how bad the music is that they play there. It’s straight-up new age jazz. As my uncle [saxophonist] Ralph [Carney] would say, “It’s late jazz.”

Well now…Could he be mad that he doesn’t get the hometown discount?

So if you’re not into new age jazz, bring a set a earplugs with you before you go.

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