Quantcast Vegetarian StarHey Youngins’: Y’all Know Who Linda McCartney Was?

Hey Youngins’: Y’all Know Who Linda McCartney Was?

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 27th, 2009 in Business.

Live And Let Die

The Linda McCartney food range has recently revamped it’s packaging.

Besides the new slogan, “Food to Come Home To,” the new package features photographs of Linda and a history of the brand.

“We did a lot of research and found that a large proportion of the vegetarian market are under 25, and wouldn’t necessarily know who Linda McCartney was,” said Julian Roberts, director for Irving Designs, the company which worked with the McCartney family, including Paul, Stella, and Mary.

That’s a good point. Unless you’re an old soul who happens to be a Beatles fan or you grew up with parents who were never cured of Beatlemania, you might not know the story of the lovely Linda, late wife of Paul McCartney.

Behind every good man is a good woman, and it was Linda who introduced vegetarianism to Paul in the 70s. She wrote several vegetarian cookbooks, including Linda McCartney’s Home Cooking: Quick, Easy, and Economical Vegetarian Dishes For Today.

In 1991 she created the Linda McCartney Frozen Foods Line.

In addition to being outspoken about her diet, she was an animal activist and PETA created an award in her name after her death in 1998.

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