Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnthony Kiedis HBO TV Series Should Show His Vegan Journey

Anthony Kiedis HBO TV Series Should Show His Vegan Journey

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 26th, 2009 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and a friend go for a bike ride in Malibu, Ca

Red Hot Chili Pepper Anthony Kiedis is heading for the big screen.

The story of his life is set to be turned into an HBO TV series, taking place in L.A’s  rock & roll culture in the ’70s. There are hints that the title will be similar to his autobiography Scar Tissue and much of it will focus on his childhood growing up with his father and the path he took to illegal drugs.

“I think it will make for an interesting TV show,” Kiedis told Entertainment Weekly. “I’ve already shed my tears and yelled. The painful part is all behind me. Now it is fun. It is a project I get to do with my father later in his life — when he is ready to reflect.”

But wouldn’t it be fantastic if the movie also hit on Anthony’s vegan diet and lifestyle?

The singer went vegan after watching a video on factory farming. In addition, a doctor recommended his son follow a vegan diet due to health issues he was having.

As legendary as the Red Hot Chili Peppers are and with Kiedis’ popularity, showing segments of his vegan journey could have millions googling the word the week the movie’s released.

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One Response to “Anthony Kiedis HBO TV Series Should Show His Vegan Journey”

  1. Anon Says:

    I over heard him at A Votre Sante in Brentwood, Ca saying he eats eggs every day. Def not vegan