Quantcast Vegetarian StarJaneane Garofalo Bacon Vegetarian

Janeane Garofalo Bacon Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 12th, 2009 in Actresses, Comedians, Not So Vegetarian.

An Evening With The Writers & Performers Of Saturday Night Live

Janeane Garofalo has said that although she was a vegetarian for 18 years, she now eats bacon. However, she only eats it about twice a year.

She, along with several other celebrities performed at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary’s Komedy for Karma last night and she took the time to talk to green gossip website Ecorazzi.

E:You were a vegetarian for 18 years…

JG: Right, but I’m no longer a vegetarian.

E: I read that.

JG: I’m a vegetarian except for bacon. The amount of times I eat bacon is negligible though. I’d say I eat bacon once or twice a year. But other than that — no meat at all.

We often like to rag on former vegetarian celebrities and those who “slip” but even activist Alicia Silverstone has said she’d rather have someone be almost vegetarian than a regular meat eater.

Once or twice a year baconator? Not too bad.

Of course, we’ll use this to remind Janeane of the delicious meatless bacon out there, like Lightlife’s Smart Bacon. Taste like the real thing, even meat eaters enjoy it. Try it with as a B.L.T. sometime. When you come back with your belly full of vegan bacon rambling about how you can’t wait for your next sandwich, we won’t say we told you so.

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2 Responses to “Janeane Garofalo Bacon Vegetarian”

  1. Mark Says:

    Our take on janeane’s comments:

    Janeane Garofalo just called you an a-hole

  2. The Great Retired Vegetarians | I Trust Ron Freeman Says:

    […] she is all set to co-star in Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior. She must need money.  She also used to be a vegetarian but now eats bacon “once or twice a year”.  So somehow she was more awesome without bacon, which seems […]