Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarbie Orr Shouts Back: I’m A Good Person, I Look After Animals

John Cleese Meets Colin The Lemur At Bristol Zoo

Some of you were disappointed in our Barbie Orr/Kristine Reinhard posts. We got responses anywhere from “Who cares?” to “Take that crap down!”

But where would a celebrity blog be without posting something off color every now and then? And folks, there is a true vegetarian theme here!

Vegetarian John Cleese broke up with vegan Barbie by leaving a message on her answering machine after she blabbed all their intimate (or shall we say his intimate) details to the media.

A response to which she replied in a text message, “Look, at least it wasn’t a sex tape.”

Everyone went after Barbie (including us) after her true age was revealed to be 45 and not 27. Now Barbie is fighting back and telling people to give it a rest.

“I am a good, caring person, who does work for charity and looks after animals,” she told the UK Mirror. “I do not deserve this!”

You can view pictures of her own animals on her website.

The mob attacked Barbie for several reasons, including faulting her for exposing John’s personal life and lying about her age. However, we’d like to know why she felt she had to lie about her age to begin with.

If you look at her photos, you’ll see she’s quite an attractive woman, who’s lean, radiant, and healthy looking. Personally, we’d love to see Barbie capitalize on this and start talking more about how her vegan lifestyle keeps her looking great at 45. If she really wants publicity, she should pose for the famous organization that only works with women when they’re naked-PETA.

That’s right. Take it off, Barbie! Woohoo…Okay, back to seriousness.

Really Barbie, start talking about the vegan package and all of its health and beauty benefits just as much as you talked about John’s package.

Okay, enough of this. No more Barbie. Unless she decides to talk to us, of course. It’s time to start ragging on Skipper.

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