Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarbie Orr-Kristine Reinhard Full Of Vegan Bull?

Barbie Orr-Kristine Reinhard Full Of Vegan Bull?

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 24th, 2009 in Actors, Comedians, Couples.

John Cleese in an advert for a Polish bank

A few days ago, we brought you the news of how Monty Python comedian and vegetarian John Cleese was dating vegan entertainer Barbie Orr, who claimed to be 27.

Just like people who eat only chicken claim to be vegetarian.

Turns out, Barbie Orr may be full of Barbie bull. Heck, why are we still calling her Barbie? An investigation made by the Daily Mail revealed her real name is Kristine Reinhard and records in the US, also obtained by the same news site, show she was born in 1964-placing her at 45.

Poor John put himself through so much, thinking he had to keep up with a 27 year old-hair plugs, extra vitamins, dental treatments. At least he didn’t have to buy any, ahem, enhancement apparatus, as Barbie/Kristine was very satisfied with that area.

A friend of Cleese told the Daily Mail, “It’s all very embarrassing for John. He’s a proud man, but he is also a sucker for a pretty face. I think a few of his braver friends have warned him to be careful, because nobody wants to see him being made to look silly.”

John has nothing to be embarrassed about. A 69 year old vegetarian who’s looking pretty darn good, hilarious, and in good health. If Heff can convince young women to adore him, we’re sure John will have no problem picking up another woman proclaiming she is young enough to be his granddaughter.

Just ask for a birth certificate next time, John.

Now, for the most important question: Did she lie about being vegan?

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6 Responses to “Barbie Orr-Kristine Reinhard Full Of Vegan Bull?”

  1. solley Says:

    john is NOT a vegetarian!! why does everyone keep saying that!!! he eats meat..and LOTS of it..
    the press is wrong..and has ms orr mixed up with someone else for their own entertainment…and you are buying into the bull! she is a vegetarian..and is NOT a liar..the PRESS put her at 27 right from the get go..without ANY input rel=”nofollow” from Barbie. And they now have her “second age” wrong again…THIS bull should stop…and the press should be the one getting the bad press…not Barbie!!! Go to her webpage…as ripped up as she is getting over all this..she is maintaining a pretty good sense of humor..and realizing how totally stupid all of this is!! NOW is the rest of you…would just follow suit!

  2. BobALoticcus Says:

    Her IMDB profile states she is 27, and that has been online long before any of these supposed “incorrect” age reports fro mthe press. The details added to IMDB profiles can only be done by the indivudual or their agent. Make of it what you will. One thing is fact though, she is not 27.

  3. solley Says:

    not true…production companies normally add the age…and when the news first came out…there was no age on ms. orr’s page… i went and checked….have a terrific ageless happy day!!

  4. samson Says:

    ..and we care because???…she looks great…he seems happy…
    lovely is lovely…. and shocker! someone’s age is maybe unknown in hollywood!!

  5. mae Says:

    bad story, bad reporting, bad taste…get rid of it…yuk!

  6. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Barbie Orr Shouts Back: I’m A Good Person, I Look After Animals Says:

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