Quantcast Vegetarian StarGuy Ritchie Strikes Back At Madonna: Let Them Eat Ham!

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Shortly after the Madonna-Guy Ritchie split, we learned that Madge set forth some pretty strict rules about what the children could and could not do while visiting Guy, including only eating organic, vegetarian, macrobiotic food.

Now Guy is paying her back, but it might be the children who are suffering in the process.

As part of the deal for getting to crash at Guy’s UK mansion he previously banned her from, she must behave-no temper tantrums or bullying the staff. Fair enough. But she also must allow the children to eat a “traditional” Christmas dinner of ham and turkey!

For a parent who’s been insisting on organic, vegetarian food, this has to be her worst nightmare. Not to mention the possible physical reactions that might happen to the children when eating greasy pig and bird after months of eating wholesome, organic vegetarian food.

Not to worry, though. Madonna is already planning her next move. As soon as she arrived in the UK, a source said the first thing she did was met with her divorce lawyer.

It’s probably safe to say this Christmas dinner deal will be annulled by next year.

via Female First

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